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Expertise. Intuition. Ingenuity.


The first step for wetland projects is understanding the limits of resource areas on the subject property by utilizing vegetation, soils and hydrology. These resource areas include bordering and isolated vegetated wetlands, bank, riverfront area, etc. 

Conservation Commission Permitting

Local Conservation Commissions are responsible for the protection of a communities wetland natural resources. When a project has the likelihood of affecting/altering these natural resources an application is required to be filed with the Commission.


With over 40 years of involvement with local Conservation Commissions and the MA Department of Environmental Protection, EBT, Inc. has garnered the knowledge for what it takes to permit our client's needs.

Wetland Restoration/Replication Design and Oversight

When alteration is unavoidable or has already occurred and an Enforcement Order is issued, mitigation of replication and/or restoration is required. EBT, Inc. has the years of experience designing, overseeing and ensuring Conservation Commission sign-off (Certificate of Compliance) of the creation of restored and replicated wetlands. 

Cold Water Fishery Identification, Restoration Creation and Enhancement

We have been studying, restoring, creating and enhancing Eastern Brook Trout fisheries since 1979, with a concentration on eastern costal plain fisheries and their challenges.

Exotic Invasive Plant Removal Specialist

Herbicide free removal. Examples in: FalmouthFramingham, Concord, Oxford, Sutton, Upton, etc.

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